Teacher Evaluation System

The TEACHNJ Act is our state's tenure reform law that was passed in August, 2012. It defined, in broad strokes, the way the new evaluation system in New Jersey will look. Please click HERE to read the Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHNJ) Act in its entirety.
AchieveNJ provides the details and support structures necessary to allow districts to implement the new legislation effectively. Please visit the NJDOE AchieveNJ website for answers to specific questions on the new regulations for both tenure and evaluation.
The state’s reform agenda requires a new Teacher Evaluation System which includes student achievement data and a state approved Classroom Observation Tool. After reviewing a number of Classroom Observation Tools, the District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC) and selected McREL. The McREL system had the following strengths:

  • Rubric criteria based on quality research
  • Categories that align to the new standard directive of four levels: ineffective, partially effective, effective, highly effective
  • Quality professional development opportunities
  • Inter-rater reliability elements included
  • Web-based data warehouse
  • State approved
This evaluation instrument, constructed by the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL), is based on elements of a 21st Century education and a set of rigorous research-based guidelines. The instrument is designed to promote effective leadership, quality teaching, and student learning while enhancing professional practice and leading to improved instruction.