Board Elections
On Monday, January 23, 2012 the Medford Township Board of Education passed a Resolution moving the Annual School Election from April to the November General Election to elect Board of Education Members and for other lawful purposes. In addition, the Board voted to eliminate the vote on the School District Budget if it is at or below the State Mandated Cap of 2%. The adoption of this Resolution was made possible by both bodies of the New Jersey State Legislature (Assembly and Senate) over whelming passing Bills S-3148 and A-4394 (identical Bills). The adoption of this change in the election date and budget vote will remain in effect for four years. Please refer to Senate Bill 3148 and Assembly Bill 4394 for details of the legislation. Please access the below links for the Board Resolution and a Synopsis of the Budget Election Law.
For more information about this, please see the links on the right-hand side of the page.