Ballot Question

Healthy Minds and Safe Schools
Through our strategic planning process, staff members, parents, and community members prioritized the safety and mental health of our students and staff.   As you prepare for Election Day on November 5, 2024, this website will provide you with information on how your vote will impact staff, students, and the community. Your support in this endeavor is crucial to ensuring a safer, more supportive community. Explore this page to learn more about how you can help secure our students' future.
A video from Medford's Superintendent, Ms. Scussa
Infographic 1    Infographic 2
The ballot measure will fund vital resources, including additional school security officers, licensed mental health professionals, behavioral specialists, and a comprehensive safety platform. These resources will strengthen our district’s ability to provide a safe, secure, and nurturing environment for our nearly 3,000 students and staff.
  • Class III Officers (estimated 7)
  • Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinicians (estimated 7)
  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (estimated 2)
  • Registered Behavioral Technicians (RBT) (estimated 14)
  • Supervisor of Educational Support Services (estimated 1)
  • Student Resource Officer (SRO) (estimated 1)
  • Comprehensive Safety and Communications Platform
Over the past decade, the school community has experienced the increased need for mental health and security for our students. This need coincides with the loss of state funds due to S2 budget cuts totaling $4,056,153 over seven years. 
Our district is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for every student. In response to community concerns and our 5-year Strategic Plan, this ballot aims to address critical needs in mental health and school security.
By supporting this ballot measure, you will be contributing to a safer, healthier environment for our community. The measure will result in a tax levy increase of $716 for the average assessed home in the first year and $380 per year thereafter—less than $2 a day. This investment will directly fund additional safety personnel, mental health support staff, and enhanced security measures, providing peace of mind for families, improved support for students, and a stronger, more secure community overall.
Questions from the Community & Answers
The first year, $3 million will pay for Verkada, the proposed comprehensive security platform. This will provide the district with a 10 year license to update and improve our security systems across the district.

The first interpretation is accurate. 

Approval of this ballot question would cost an average of $716 in the first year - $380 for the new staffing positions plus a ONE TIME tax payment of $336 for the security and communication system upgrades. 

From the second year forward, taxes would maintain the average $380 increase but not the $336.


We have one School Resource Officer (SRO) officer who is responsible for all of the district schools. The passing of this ballot question would provide Class III Officers in every school in the district and fund the cost of the School Resource Officer.

Approval of this ballot question would cost an average of $716 in the first year - $380 for the new staffing positions plus a ONE TIME tax payment of $336 for the security and communication system upgrades. 

From the second year forward, taxes would maintain the average $380 increase but not the $336.


This question will appear as part of the November 5, 2024 election ballot at your local polling station or via mail-in ballot.

Class III Officers are a category of law enforcement personnel designated to provide security in public schools. They operate under the authority of a local law enforcement agency and are retired police officers under the age of 65 years old who have undergone specific training for their roles.


Class III Officers maintain safety and order on school premises during operational hours. Their responsibilities include patrolling the school grounds, responding to emergencies, and engaging with students, staff, and parents to foster a positive relationship between law enforcement and the school community. This engagement is crucial for building trust and ensuring that students feel safe reporting issues.


Class III Officers will bolster our district's safety protocols, especially in response to concerns about school violence or emergencies. Their presence can deter potential threats and provide immediate assistance in a crisis.


Over the past seven years, our district has lost over $4 million in state aid. This reduction has made it increasingly difficult to fund essential programs without additional support from our local taxpayers. Last year, the district closed a $5.8 million budget gap in the 2024-25 school year. These cuts and the increase in enrollment and student needs necessitated this ballot question.
Our Home and School Association and Medford Education Foundation hold fundraising initiatives for our district. The use of fundraising for district staffing positions may allow for a position for one year, however, fundraising is not sustainable revenue.
We have taken significant steps to ensure our schools are prepared for emergencies, including a potential school shooting. Research shows that a comprehensive model for safety which includes a proactive approach to address mental health and a reactive approach to fortify safety resources reduces the likelihood and impact of a violent event. Additionally, we recognize early intervention in emotional and behavioral issues is key to preventing violence before it occurs.
Yes, the proposed positions are all full-time positions.
Our ballot proposal includes extra security and emotional support for students.  Thank you for your support.
Volunteers Needed
Parents, guardians, students, staff, and community members are invited to fill out the form below to get involved and support our campaign. Provide your name, contact information, and preferred volunteer activities, and we will reach out to you with more details on how you can contribute.
Questions or Comments
Have a Question?We understand that you may have questions about the ballot measure and how it will impact our schools and community. Please fill out the form below with your question, and a district representative will get back to you as soon as possible with the information you need.
The Medford Township School Community collaborates in the joy of authentic learning experiences, so graduates leave as strong, independent learners equipped with strategies to tackle challenges and direct their social, emotional, and academic growth.